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Ren De Education Fund - 仁德教育基金


The Holy Innocents’ Old Students’ Association (HIOSA) has spared no effort in helping the two schools, Holy Innocents’ High School (HIHS) and Holy Innocents’ Primary School (HIPS),  in their development.


In 2003, the Ren De Education Fund is formed as a project under HIOSA.  The Fund is named after our first two principals, Rev. Fr. Anthony Shih Chia Ren (Jiā Rēn) and Rev. Fr. Peter Lu Hue Deo (Huái Dé), in recognizing the loves and contributions they have rendered to the school.


The Fund has been founded with the following objectives:

  • To help Holy Innocents’ High School and Holy Innocents’ Primary School in securing a loving and caring community for the students.

  • To assist the two schools in nurturing a sense of gratitude and in fostering character-building among their students, who will, in turn, become responsible and caring citizens.

  • To support the two schools in their endeavors to become reputatble academic institutes in Singapore.

  • To grant scholarships and bursaries in order to assist students from the two schools who have financial difficulties at home and to provide them with other necessary material aids, if necessary, towards the successful completion of their studies.

  • To do all such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the above objects or any of them, subject to the approval of relevant authorities, where applicable.


By awarding scholarships and bursaries to the students, we hope to help the High School to attract more good students from the Primary School, and to assist well-behaved students who are in needs of financial support.


For better governance of the fund, HIOSA has registered the fund as Ren De Foundation with the Registry of Societies in 2013.



为了纪念两位神父时母校的无私贡献, 校友会于2003年设立了一项基金会, 并以他们的名字命名为” 仁德教育基金”, 以纪念两位已故校长对母校所作的责献。



1. 协助母校提升学习环境、营造一个充满爱心与关怀的校园。

2. 与母校紧密合作, 对学生 灌输感恩意识, 正确的人生现,推动学生的心身智育全面发展。

3. 支持母校在致力于成为新加坡知名学府的努力。

4. 为在母校就读的贫困学生提供奖、助学金或其他方面的资助。

5. 在上述目标的前提下,为母校提供其他适当的援助。






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